Friday, July 23, 2010

Special Treat - Matthew Craven in Philadelphia

A little while back, I posted an image of a Matthew Craven drawing that I had a crush on at the time.

Well, first of all, I'm terrible with names, so when I was at Grizzly Grizzly on the night of the Vox VI opening, I was attracted to the drawings there, but couldn't help but feeling "Hey, I've already seen this!!" As it turned out, I HAD. Here I was in front of the original collages from "History is Written by the Winners", stuff I liked online, and didn't even remember. HOW EMBARRASSING.

Here's the write-up from artblog.


mcrvn. said...

thanx for the love, sorry didn't get a chance to meet when i was in philly...

TheAntRevolution said...

No problem! Especially enjoyed the works behind the column.