Monday, August 25, 2008


Whether I'd like to believe it or not, the fall semester is upon us. Before the changing of the leaves always comes freshman orientation. As a student leader, part of my responsibilities include assisting with various orientation programs.

This year, Sandy Frank is 'orienting', so to speak, so it's been fun going through this experience together.

Orientation is a weird animal. It asks that, at least at our school, about 150 new students from across various interests and levels of maturity come together and make small talk. To facilitate this small talk, about 30 student leaders are recruited and trained at the end of the previous spring semester. That's where I come in. "Hi, where are you from? Oh, really? I don't know where that is at all...."

Of course, this week isn't totally pointless. I shudder to think of what this first year class would look like in October had they not gone through this process together. Now that I mention it, I don't believe I WILL think about it... too scary.

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